배구 제자리 점프 블로킹 착지 시 숙련도에 따른 수직지면반력 변인 분석

Analysis of the Vertical GRF Variables during Landing from Vertical Jump Blocking in Volleyball

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate comparative analysis of the vertical ground reaction force variables during landing from vertical jump blocking in volleyball through GRF analysis system. The subjects participated in this study were 6 male university volleyball player and 6 male acted as a control group. The results are as follows: 1. The skilled group was longer than the unskilled group in flight time during vertical jump blocking. 2. The skilled group was faster than the unskilled group in tFz2 during landing from vertical jump blocking. 3. The skilled group was higher than the unskilled group in Fz2 during landing from vertical jump blocking. 4. The skilled group was higher than the unskilled group in Fz2LR during landing from vertical jump blocking. 5. The skilled group was higher than the unskilled group in impulse during landing from vertical jump blocking. Consequently, during landing from vertical jump, the landing strategy of the skilled group was found as a form of a stiff landing. Therefore, this landing strategy will be required to strengthen of hip and knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors for injury prevention.



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