개인용 컴퓨터를 이용한 기능 유관성 관상동맥 협착증의 삼차원 심장스펙트 사진과 64채널 전산화 단층 혈관촬영사진과의 융합

Fusion of 3D Cardiac SPECT and 64-Channel-CT Angiography Using Personal Computer in Functionally Relevant Coronary Artery Stenosis

  • 박용휘 (성애의료재단 서울성애병원 핵의학과)
  • Bahk, Yong-Whee (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Sung-Ae General Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Image fusion is fast catching attention as Wagner pointed out in his 2006 version of the recent progress and development presented at the annual meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine. Prototypical fusion of bone scan and radiograph was already attempted at in 1961 when Fleming et al. published an article on strontium-85 bone scan. They simply superimposed dot scan on radiograph enabling simultaneous assessment of altered bone metabolism and local bone anatomy. Indeed the parallel reading of images of bone scan and radiography, CT, MRI or ultrasonography has been practiced in nuclear medicine long since. It is fortunate that recent development of computer science and technology along with the availability of refined CT and SPECT machines has permitted us to open a new avenue to digitally produce precise fusion image so that they can readily be read, exchanged and disseminated using internet. Ten years ago fusion was performed using Bresstrahlung SPECT/CT and it is now achievable by PET/CT and SPECT/CT software and SPECT/CT hardware. The merit of image fusion is its feasibility of reliable assessment of morphological and metabolic change. It is now applicable not only to stationary organs such as brain and skeleton but also to moving organs such as the heart, lung and stomach. Recently, we could create useful fusion image of cardiac SPECT and 64-channel CT angiograph. The former provided myocardial metabolic profile and the latter vascular narrowing in two patients with coronary artery stenosis and myocardial ischemia. Arterial stenosis was severe in Case 1 and mild in Case 2.



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