• Victorbabu, B. Re. (Department of Statistics, Acharya Nagarjuna University)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


In this paper, a review on second order slope rotatable designs (SOSRD) is studied. Further, different methods of constructions of SOSRD like slope rotatable central composite designs (SRCCD), SOSRD using balanced incomplete block designs (BIBD), SOSRD using pairwise balanced designs (PBD), SOSRD using partially balanced incomplete block type designs (PBIBD) and SOSRD using symmetrical unequal block arrangements (SUBA) with two unequal block sizes are examined in detail. A table is provided where for a range of different values of v (v stands for number of factors) the design points needed by different methods are compared. The optimum SOSRD with minimum number of design points for each factor is suggested for $2{\leq}v{\leq}16$.



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