전자기 과도현상 해석을 위한 주파수 의존 시스템 등가

Frequency Dependent Network Equivalent for Electromagnetic Transient Studies

  • 왕용필 (동아대 공대 전기공학과) ;
  • 조금식 (한국전력공사 창원전력관리처)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.01


The complexity of modern power systems often makes it impractical to model it in its entirety for electromagnetic transient studies. Therefore areas outside the immediate area of interest must be represented by some form of Frequency Dependent Network Equivalent (FDNE). The advantage of using z-domain fitting is that it can be directly implemented in a digital simulation program without any loss of accuracy. Fitting in the s-domain always requires "discretizing" a continuous system and the inherent approximations. This paper presents z-domain rational function formulation and demonstrates the use of it for the assessment of the transient response of the Lower South Island of New Zealand. Moreover by using a well publicized test system and providing complete information on the developed FDNE coefficients other researchers easily benchmark their work against this.



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