민간 소비자단체의 자율분쟁조정 활성화방안

A Study on the Activity Improvement Plan for Consumer ADR of Non-Government Consumer Organization

  • 김유진 (건국대학교 소비자정보학과) ;
  • 김시월 (건국대학교 소비자정보학과)
  • Kim, You-Jin (Dept. of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Si-Wuel (Dept. of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


The Purpose of this research is to perform survey on employees of Non-Government Consumer Organization and interview with ADR personnel from Korean Consumer Protection Board to have thorough grasp of problems among consumer ADR. Also come up with plan that will activate Non-Government Consumer organization ADR. Result of this research states following remarks as solution First, consumers from Seoul and Gyeonggi area is the only people who use ADR in Non-Government Consumer organization, so other local governments need to concentrate on consumers from rural area to take advantage of the service. Second, low activity of ADR and legal procedure support compare to other services provide from Non-Government Consumer organization. Third, statistic shows that employees from Non-Government Consumer organization recognize importance of consumer's ADR and government's support as well as enforcement of law. Forth, the preparation of Consumer ADR in Non-Government Consumer organization, selecting committee is the most important procedures are reinforce human resource, improvement of organization structure. Fifty, order to establish Consumer ADR in Non-Government Consumer organization, recruit professional manpower is the priority and financial support is also important. All these result would help improve the activity of ADR in Non-Government Consumer organization, which will lead the organization to be more professionalize, globalize and able to segment the market. Further more, Non-Government Consumer organization would develop better ways to take itself to another level to provide better service. Also, create an institution that will help consumer's dispute and legal procedure. It will prevent future victims and protect consumer's right.



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