• Hohne, Thomas (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf(FZD)-Institute of Safety Research) ;
  • Kliem, Soren (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf(FZD)-Institute of Safety Research)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


The influence of density differences on the mixing of the primary loop inventory and the Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) water in the downcomer of a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) was analyzed at the ROssendorf COolant Mixing (ROCOM) test facility. ROCOM is a 1:5 scaled model of a German PWR, and has been designed for coolant mixing studies. It is equipped with advanced instrumentation, which delivers high-resolution information for temperature or boron concentration fields. This paper presents a ROCOM experiment in which water with higher density was injected into a cold leg of the reactor model. Wire-mesh sensors measuring the tracer concentration were installed in the cold leg and upper and lower part of the downcomer. The experiment was run with 5% of the design flow rate in one loop and 10% density difference between the ECC and loop water especially for the validation of the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS CFX. A mesh with two million control volumes was used for the calculations. The effects of turbulence on the mean flow were modelled with a Reynolds stress turbulence model. The results of the experiment and of the numerical calculations show that mixing is dominated by buoyancy effects: At higher mass flow rates (close to nominal conditions) the injected slug propagates in the circumferential direction around the core barrel. Buoyancy effects reduce this circumferential propagation. Therefore, density effects play an important role during natural convection with ECC injection in PWRs. ANSYS CFX was able to predict the observed flow patterns and mixing phenomena quite well.



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