Analysis of Production Process Improvement with Life Cycle Assessment $Technology{\sim}$ Example of HDPE Pipe Manufacturing

  • Tien, Shiaw-Wen (Graduate Institute of Management of Technology Chung-Hua University) ;
  • Chiu, Chung-Ching (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Chin-Min Institute of Technology) ;
  • Chung, Yi-Chan (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Tsai, Chih-Hung (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Ta-Hwa Institute of Technology) ;
  • Chang, Chin-Fa (Graduate Institute of Management of Technology Chung-Hua University)
  • Published : 2007.08.30


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aims to analyze possible impact upon manufacturing process and availability of products, and also study the environmental considerations and potential influence during entire life cycle ranging from procurement, production and utilization to treatment (namely, from cradle to tomb). Based on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe manufacturing of company A, this case study would involve evaluation of environmental influence during the production process. When the manufacturing process has been improved during "production process" and "forming cooling" stage, it is found that capital input on "electric power" and "water supply" could be reduced, thus helping to sharpen the competitive power of company A, and also ensure sustainable economic and industrial development in accordance with national policies on environmental protection.



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