음장의 공간 복소 포락: 정의와 특성

Spatial Complex Envelope of Acoustic Field : Its Definition and Characteristics

  • 박춘수 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과 노빅센터) ;
  • 김양한 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과 노빅센터)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.20


We can predict spatial acoustic pressure distribution on the plane of interest by using acoustic holography. However, the information embedded in the distribution plot is usually much more than what we need: for example, source locations and their overall propagation pattern. One possible candidate to solve the problem is complex envelope analysis. Complex envelope analysis extracts slowly-varying envelope signal from a band signal. We have attempted to extend this method to space domain so that we can have spatial information that we need. We have to modulate two dimensional data for obtaining spatial envelope. Although spatial modulation basically follows the same concept that is used in time domain, the algorithm for the spatial modulation turns out to be different from temporal modulation. We briefly describe temporal complex envelope analysis and extend it to spatial envelope of 2-D acoustic field by introducing geometric transformation. In the end, the results of applying the spatial envelope to the holography are envisaged and verified.



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