건강도시사업 추진과 정책 과제

Review and Prospective of the Heathy Cities in Korea

  • 남은우 (연세대학교 의료복지연구소 건강도시연구센터)
  • Nam, Eun-Woo (Healthy City Research Center Institute of Health and Welfare Yonsei University at Wonju, Republic of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Since 1996, the Health Promotion Programme spearheaded by the Korean Central Government has been actively developing and recently, the Healthy City Project led by the local autonomous entities have also been actively promoted. Healthy City is one in which the health and well-being of the citizens are given the utmost importance in the decision-making of the city. While the Health Promotion Programme focuses on changing the "health behavior" of the people, the Healthy City Project, a policy to improve the existing inequality of public health services, deals with more essential health factors and requires political support as well as a new organization. The Healthy City paradigm based on the New Public Health started in England and ever since the Healthy City Model Project spearheaded by the EURO WHO began in 1986, the Alliance for Healthy Cities centered in the West Pacific region supported by the WHO in Oct 2003 was inaugurated. 19 Korean cities are full members of the Alliance for Healthy Cities and 2 laboratories are associate members. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has held the Healthy City Forum consisting of related officials, experts and representatives of civic bodies on 6 occasions since Dec 2005. The need for adequate administrative and financial support from the Central Government to the local autonomous entities governing the Healthy Cities was raised. It is hoped that this Healthy City Project will bring about the improved health conditions of the people as well as promote the equality of the public health services.



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  27. WHO, The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion enunciated five action areas to improve health: building healthy public policy; creation supportive environments; strengthening community action; developing personal skills; and reorienting health services; for more details see WHO (1986), 'Ottawa Charter Health Promotion', Healthy Promotion Vol.1, No.4, pp. iii-v
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  29. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 1995
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  32. http://www.euro.who.int/healthy-cities
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  36. http://healthycity.hp.go.kr
  37. http://healthycity.wonju.go.kr