- Bruce Bosco, Celestino Corral, Sharn-iar Emami, Gregg Levin, and Abbie Mathew, "Status report of the subgroup on channel modeling," IEEE 802.15-05-013300-003c
- Brian Gaucher, "Completely Integrated 60 GHz ISM Band Front End Chip Set and Test Results," IEEE 802. 15-06-0003-00-003c
- Alireza Seyedi, ''proposed European Regulations," IEEE 802. 15-06-0247-00-003c
- Kyeongpyo Kim, Jinkyeong Kim, Yongsun Kim, and Wooyong Lee, 'Notice of Korean 60 GHz Unlicensed Band Allocation," IEEE 802. 15-06-0330-00-003c
- Yongsun Kim, Wooyong Lee, Jinkyeong Kim, and Kyeongpyo Kim, "Technical regulations for Korean 60GHz unlicensed band," IEEE 802_15-07-0554-00-003c
- 전파연구소고시 제 2007-22호 "57-64 GHz대 용도미지정 무선기기 기술기준 제정(안)," 2007. 03.29
- "FCC 47 CFR 15.255: Operation within the band 57-64 GHz," title47/47- 12.3. 236. 35.html
- Su-Khiong Yong, "TG3c Channel Modeling Subcommittee Final Report," IEEE 802. 15-07-0584-01-003c
- Alireza Seyedi, "TG3c System Requirements," IEEE 802. 15-07-0583-01-003c
- Alireza Seyedi, "TG3c TG3c Selection Criteria," IEEE 802.15-05-0493-27-003c
- Ali Sadri, "802.15.3c Usage Model Document (UMD)," IEEE 802. 15-06-0055-22-003c
- Reed Fisher, Hideto Ikeda, ''TG3c Call for Proposals (CFP)," IEEE 802. 15-07-0586-02-003c
- Hiroyo Ogawa et aI, "CoMPA PHY Proposal," IEEE 802. 15-07-0693-03-003c
- Alireza Seyedi et aI, "SCBT Based 60GHz PHY Proposal," IEEE 802. 15-07-0681-00-003c
- James P. K. Gilb et al, ''proposal for HD AVand data support," IEEE 802. 15-07-0702-03-003c
- Bruce Bosco et al, ''Low Cost, Low Complexity ASK-Based PHY for 802.15.3c," IEEE 802.15-07-0695-02-003c
- Hiroyuki Nakase et al, ''pHY/MAC proposal for TG3c," IEEE 802. 15-07-0690-01-003c
- I. Lakkis, 'TensorCom Physical Layer Proposal," 802.15-07-0700-04-003c