Development of the ISO 15926-based Classification Structure for Nuclear Plant Equipment

ISO 15926 국제 표준을 이용한 원자력 플랜트 기자재 분류체계

  • Published : 2007.06.30


In order to construct a data warehouse of process plant equipment, a classification structure should be defined first, identifying not only the equipment categories but also attributes of an each equipment to represent the specifications of equipment. ISO 15926 Process Plants is an international standard dealing with the life-cycle data of process plant facilities. From the viewpoints of defining classification structure, Part 2 data model and Reference Data Library (RDL) of ISO 15926 are seen to respectively provide standard syntactic structure and semantic vocabulary, facilitating the exchange and sharing of plant equipment's life-cycle data. Therefore, the equipment data warehouse with an ISO 15926-based classification structure has the advantage of easy integration among different engineering systems. This paper introduces ISO 15926 and then discusses how to define a classification structure with ISO 15926 Part 2 data model and RDL. Finally, we describe the development result of an ISO 15926-based classification structure for a variety of equipment consisting in the reactor coolant system (RCS) of APR 1400 nuclear plant.



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