Selection of Low Toxic Pesticides and Residual Toxicity to Cotesia glomerata

배추나비고치벌 (Cotesia glomerata)에 대한 저독성 약제 및 잔류독성

  • Choi, Byeong-Ryeol (Applied Entomology Division, Department of Agricultural Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology) ;
  • Lee, Si-Woo (Applied Entomology Division, Department of Agricultural Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology) ;
  • Park, Hyung-Man (Applied Entomology Division, Department of Agricultural Biology, National Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology)
  • 최병렬 (농업과학기술원 농업생물부 농업해충과) ;
  • 이시우 (농업과학기술원 농업생물부 농업해충과) ;
  • 박형만 (농업과학기술원 농업생물부 농업해충과)
  • Published : 2007.08.30


For the development of integrated pest management system by harmonizing biological and chemical control, some experiments wee carried out to select low toxic pesticides against natural enemies. and their residual toxicity were evaluated. Leaf dipping method, body dipping method, and diet treatment method were set up for the toxicity evaluation against Cotesia glomerata adults. We had tested 46 different pesticides (31 insecticides, 11 fungicides, 4 herbicides) at recommending concentration commonly used to control diamond back moth, disease and up-land weeds in chinese cabbage field. Twenty three insecticides, eleven fungicides, and four herbicides were shown to be low toxic to C. glomerata adults in the treatment of body dipping. After insecticide spraying at recommending dose on the chinese cabbage, we examined residual effect of insecticides by introducing natural enemies on different days. Safety interval for the introduction of C. glomerata adults was established according to the residual toxicity of pesticides. Safe insecticides for the introduction of C. glomerata adults at one day after treatment (DAT) were thiacloprid, acephate, chlorfenapyr, clothianidin and at 3 DAT were imidacloprid, deltamethrin, thiamethoxam, dimethylvinphos, emamectin benzoate.

고랭지배추 재배지에 발생하는 나방류 해충의 방제에 생물적방제와 화학적방제의 조화로운 이용을 위하여, 배추 재배 시 사용되는 약제 중 배추좀나방의 천적인 배추나비고치별 (Cotesia glomerata) 에 대해 저독성을 보이는 약제를 선발하고 잔류독성을 평가하였다. 배추나비고치벌에 대한 저독성 약제선발 방법으로 먹이처리법 (Diet treatment method), 잎침지처리법 (Leaf dipping method) 및 충제침지처리법(Body dipping method) 을 확립하였다. 배추에 등록되어 있는 주요 살충제 31 종을 추천농도로 희석한 후 배추나비고치별 성충을 충체침지처리한 결과 22종이 저독성 약제로 선발되었으며, 배추에 등록된 살균제 및 제초제 15 종은 배추나비고치별 성충에 모두 독성이 낮았다. 배추에 13 종의 살충제를 처리하여 일수별로 배추나비고치벌 성충에 대한 잔류독성을 평가한 결과, 약제처리 l일후에 방사해도 안전한 약제는 thiacloprid, acephate, chlorfenapyr, clothianidin의 4 종이었으며, 3 일후에 방사가 가능한 약제는 imidacloprid, deltamethrin, thiamethoxam, dimethylvinphos, emamectin benzoate이었다.



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