중국 진출 한국 여성복 정장 업체의 치수 규격 현황 및 적합성 연구

A Study on the Size System and Fitness for Women's Suits of Korean Brand Produced by the Manufacturers Operating in China

  • 발행 : 2007.07.31


This study were examined Chinese size system and fitness for women's suits of Korean brands produced by the manufacturers operating in China. The results are as follows. 1. One manufacturer used Chinese size system for women's suits among those manufacturers in China. And the rests individually adopted different size system of various ways. 2. Chinese women almost satisfied fitness and size system for suits of Korean brand. Especially, they satisfied fitness and size system for jacket more than the other apparel items. Pants was the worst item of fitness satisfaction. 3. Size assortment of each items was very different for each manufacturers which extended their business in China. And the smallest size was more produced than the other size in many manufacturers. 4. Most of the women's suits manufacturers of Korean brand in China, were collected consumers' informations for fitness and size satisfaction through their salespersons. Most of them replied that they were repairing items which were not in good fitness.



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