공급사슬관점에서 수출기업의 글로벌 무역관리 전략

Global Trade Management Strategies for Export Companies from the Supply Chain Management Perspective

  • 발행 : 2007.08.30


Cross-border supply chains undergone complexity in the global trade process, unpredictability and continually evolving regulations and information requirements. Under these circumstances, longer lead time inhibiting quick response to market demands, unanticipated supply chain costs eroding product cost savings, compliance and documentation errors causing delays and fines are challenging global trade companies when they execute global business. These problems are mainly caused by unautomated, unintegrated process which lead to longer and more unpredictable lead times, slower cash flow, cost overruns, and ultimately lower profits and less satisfied customers. Complex and unpredictable global trade environment requires global trade companies of global trade management functions to automate and control this complex environment for driving out cost, time and risk from their business. Global trade management allows cost savings, supply chain efficiencies and improved compliance through improving global supply chain visibility, facilitating cash flow by supply chain financing, enhancing supply chain security and risk management.
