AOP 기술을 이용한 DEVS 기반 시뮬레이터의 적응성 향상 기법

Improving Adaptability of the DEVS Based Simulator with AOP

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


The DEVS formalism has the well-defined relationship between its model and simulator. However, it does not define the connection between its model and experimental frame needed when a simulator's implemented with it. So, in most DEVS based simulators, the modules of the two parts are tangled, so that changing and reusing them is not easy. This paper proposes a method to improve the changeability of the experimental frame and the reusability of the model by modularizing the two parts using the AOP technology. I applied the new method to a real project, and the result shows that it improves the two qualities effectively than before.



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