도시열섬 완화를 위한 제도개선

A Study on the Mitigation Policies for Urban Heat Island

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


While heat island has been recognized as an unique environmental nuisance in cities, the phenomenon tends to be regarded as an inevitable side effect on urbanization. Recently the nature of the heat island has been disclosed and efforts for the remedy have been discussed in many ways. Some pioneering actions have been taken to mitigate the strength of the heat island's intensity in several countries. After studies for the heat island and speculations on current pilot policies of 3 different countries has been done, mitigation policies for heat island has been suggested as followings. 1. Preservation of natural topography is essential because latent energy consumption(evapotranspiration) from the site is the single most important factor to mitigate the energy surplus caused by urban heat island. 2. Because current national zoning ordinance or building law can not effectively control the site specific local environment, heat island policy should be established or employed at local level. 3. Incentives for the mitigation should be adopted on the process of implementation because environment is public concern. 4. Wind can easily dissipate energy surplus which is the major driving force for heat island. Therefore local wind, the direction and intensity should be sustained and sometimes facilitated fully through policies.



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