주거용건물의 바닥복사 난방방식에 대한 실태조사 연구

Research on the actual condition of 'Under Floor Radiant Heating for Apartment Housing'

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


The research analyzes the arrangement of boiler and hot water header, the method of radiator pipe setting, hot water supply control, hourly heating situation of each room for underfloor radiant heating systems in Korea and suggests an alternative to improve to efficient heating method. One of the best options for install position of hot water distributor is under kitchen sink which is center point of all rooms, according to previous research of the energy saving strategies. When the radiator pipes are arranged to each individual room instead of bedrooms through livingroom and kitchen, it has energy saving effects. For rooms without occupancy according to a time period, hot water supply method should be intermittent heating rather than continuous heating. For this intermittent heating method, individual control of hot water supply is more practical, and it can lead to massive energy savings. The intermittent heating system has time-lag, so it is more effective in energy saving with mild and comfort condition if the spaces are preheated by automatic control equipment prior to required time.



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