Ergonomic Recommendation for Optimum Positions and Warning Foreperiod of Auditory Signals in Human-Machine Interface

  • Lee, Fion C.H. (Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management City University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Chan, Alan H.S. (Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management City University of Hong Kong)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


This study investigated the optimum positions and warning foreperiod for auditory signals with an experiment on spatial stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility effects. The auditory signals were presented at the front-right, front-left, rear-right, and rear-left positions from the subjects, whose reaction times and accuracies at different spatial mapping conditions were examined. The results showed a significant spatial stimulus-response compatibility effect in which faster and more accurate responses were obtained in the transversely and longitudinally compatible condition while the worst performance was found when spatial stimulus-response compatibility did not exist in either orientation. It was also shown that the transverse compatibility effect was found significantly stronger than the longitudinal compatibility effect. The effect of signal position was found significant and post hoc test suggested that the emergent warning alarm should be placed on the front-right position for right-handed users. The warning foreperiod prior to the signal presentation was shown to influence reaction time and a warning foreperiod of 3 s is found optimal for the 2-choice auditory reaction task.



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