A Study on Evaluating Facilities within Urban Parks through a User Awareness Survey

이용자 의식조사를 통한 도시공원 내 시설 평가 연구

  • Received : 2007.09.21
  • Accepted : 2007.10.09
  • Published : 2007.10.30


This study is to survey facilities installed at urban parks and identify park facilities desired by users through a questionnaire survey of users who actually use the parks. Then, the outcome will be compared and evaluated to install urban park facilities that reflect the desires of users in the future. Findings showed that park facilities currently installed are mostly those easy to install and manage among facilities suggested in relevant laws. Regardless of park types and sizes, similar facilities were installed across parks. A questionnaire survey of users showed that they wanted facilities to rest, sports facilities, waterscape facilities and facilities to accompany families. The result also showed that they wanted green area-style parks that have a lot of trees. Therefore, going forward, facilities reflecting such desires of users should be installed at parks as much as possible. When developing a park creation plan for each city, it would be critical to survey the opinions of residents in relevant areas in advance and reflect it to the creation plan.



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