A Tendency of Prediction Technique for the Assessment of Railway Noise

철도소음 영향평가를 위한 예측기술 동향

  • Received : 2007.01.08
  • Accepted : 2007.01.23
  • Published : 2007.02.28


Since 1990s, the railway noise has been researched and developed in our nation. First of all, what's causing the noise and how to eliminate the cause of the noise must be found out. Secondly, cutting off the propagation path of the noise from the noise source to the receiving points. In this study the characteristics of prediction formula for the assessment of railway noise used in some nations including Korea were investigated. In order to develop the prediction formula of the railway noise, the noise radiated from railway vehicle, rails and sleepers, characteristics of noise barrier, velocity of train, ground effects, roughness should be analyzed and predicted. Especially, on the basis of acoustics, the characteristics of source are applied to acoustic power and directivity information.



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