실시간 기업 전략 혁신 사례에 관한 연구

A Study on the Innovation Cases Based on Real-Time Enterprise Strategy

  • 선지웅 (한국외국어대학교 산업경영공학부) ;
  • 이성룡 (한국외국어대학교 산업경영공학부)
  • Sun, Ji-Ung (School of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) ;
  • Yee, Soung-Ryong (School of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
  • 투고 : 20070700
  • 심사 : 20070800
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


Owing to a real-time innovative infrastructure driven by destructive technology revolution, the business environment has been changed dramatically. In order to respond fast to a continuously and unpredictably changing business environment, the business entities, such as business process participants, customers, distributers, and partners, should have an agile paradigm which is able to acquire and share the real time information adaptively. As a 21st century business paradigm having such adaptability and responsiveness has been introduced and called the "Real-Time Enterprise (RTE)" strategy. In this paper, we investigate the various innovation cases adopting the RTE strategy. After briefly addressing the concept and the value of RTE strategy, we discuss the models and the frameworks used in outstanding international and domestic enterprises. We believe that this case study can provide a good guide to many enterprises planning to adopt a RTE strategy for building competitive advantage in today's world of global competition.



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