실시간 우편물류 운영시스템 설계에 관한 연구

Design for Real-Time Postal Logistics Operational System

  • 이기백 (한국전자통신연구원 우정기술연구센터) ;
  • 김완석 (한국전자통신연구원 우정기술연구센터) ;
  • 박종흥 (한국전자통신연구원 우정기술연구센터)
  • Lee, Ki-Baek (Postal Technology Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Wan-Seok (Postal Technology Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) ;
  • Park, Jong-Heong (Postal Technology Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 20070400
  • 심사 : 20071000
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


In this paper, we design Real-Time Postal Logistics Operational Model and System as a to-be system. Current postal logistics information system, named PostNet, is a basic infra system designed for an end-to-end IT-driven process, from mail acceptance to delivery, linked with internal and external systems. Recent competing circumstances drive demand for more intelligent information system. So we design real-time postal logistics operational system focused on site operations. we analyze postal logistics operation and interview field workers and establish real-time postal logistics operational model to solve operational issues. Finally we suggest system specifications.



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