사용자 만족도를 고려한 터치 버튼 사이즈에 대한 연구

A User Satisfaction Based Touch Button Design

  • 김진 (LG전자 디자인경영센터) ;
  • 최광수 (LG전자 디자인경영센터)
  • Kim, Jin (Corporate Design Department, LG Electronics Design Center) ;
  • Choi, Kwang-Soo (Corporate Design Department, LG Electronics Design Center)
  • 투고 : 20071000
  • 심사 : 20071000
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study has been conducted on touch screen interface design for mobile devices. It was intended to measure user’s satisfaction on one-handed thumb input mobile devices. Recent studies proposed the optimal touch button size, but it is inappropriate for mobile devices. Therefore, this study was focused on four touch key factors-width, height, the horizontal and vertical distance between touch keys-as independent variables. The ANOVA results showed that the user satisfaction of four touch key factors was significantly affected by the thumb input. It also apparent that the interactions between four factors were significant. As a result, the horizontal and vertical distance as well as the width and height affected the satisfaction of users. In addition, this study suggested satisfaction models which represent the top 30%, 50%, 70% of user satisfaction measurement. The results of this study could be used to design touch keys that are able to enhance the usability on touch screen based mobile devices.



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