Analytical Models for the Optimal Number and the Optimal Operation of Yard Trucks in Container Terminal

컨테이너 터미널의 야드 트럭의 최적 대수와 최적 운행을 위한 해석 모형

  • Kim, Ki-Young (Department of International Logistics, Division of International Relations, Dongseo University)
  • 김기영 (동서대학교 국제관계학부 물류유통학)
  • Received : 20070400
  • Accepted : 20070700
  • Published : 2007.12.31


The synchronized operation of a quay crane(QC) and a transfer crane(TC) increases the productivity of a container terminal. In this paper, analytical models are suggested for the optimal number and the optimal operation of the yard trucks (YTs) which travel between a quay crane and a transfer crane in a container terminal. YT may represent yard tractor, AGV and shuttle carrier. The analytical models are so simple and useful that the analysis and the results of this paper can be used not only in container terminal practices but also in many other application fields.



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