Application of a Sediment Quality Index to the Masan Bay, Korea

  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


A sediment quality index (SQI) and a mean sediment quality guideline quotient (M-SQGQ) were applied for the assessment of sediment quality in Masan Bay, Korea where metals and organic pollutants are of concern. The SQI was calculated by two functions, 'scope' (the number of variables that do not meet guideline objective) and 'amplitude' (the magnitude by which variables exceed guideline objective), with six different sediment quality guideline values from Canada, USA and Australia/New Zealand. Categorization of sediment quality was on the basis of SQI scores. The SQI values were compared with six guideline values applied as well as with the M-SQGQs. The SQI values were severely influenced by a few variables of high exceedance in the degree of non-compliance. The SQI values were very dependent on both the numbers and values of guideline variables used in index caluculation. Nevertheless, the SQI could provide integrated and simplified information from a large number of chemical data set. It is required to further evaluate protocols and guideline applied for deriving SQI and to compare it with field based sediment toxicity test and ecosystem integrity.



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