Journal of Haehwa Medicine (혜화의학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.327-348
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- 2007
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
The Anti-agning Effect of Oral Administration of NokYongDaebotang (NYD) in Rats
녹용대보탕(鹿茸大補湯)의 노화 억제 효과에 대한 실험적 연구
- Lee, Su-Young (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Daejeon University) ;
Ahn, Teak-Won
(Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Daejeon University)
- Accepted : 2007.12.14
- Published : 2007.12.31
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of oral administration of NokYongDaebotang (NYD) on aging in rats. To observe the anti-aging effect of NYD, we performed blood chemistry analysis, histological analysis, and evaluated the levels of SOD, catalase, glutathione, NO and MDA in liver and other organ. The results were as follows : 1. The levels of serum Albumin and GOT was reduced significantly in the NYD group as compared with the nornal group. 2. Serum Total bilirubin level was increased in the NYD group as compared with the nornal group. 3. Serum LDL-cholesterol level was reduced significantly in the NYD group as compared with the nornal group. 4. The level of GSH and SOD activityin liver were significantly higher in 52 w-NYD group than that of 52 w-normal group. 5. The levels of NO were reduced significantly in 52 w-NYD group as compared with 52 w-normal group. In conclusion, NYD decoction is considered to have an anti-aging effect in rats.