Journal of Haehwa Medicine (혜화의학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 2
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- Pages.99-107
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- 2007
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
Study on Medical Treatment by the Zang-qi-fa-shi(藏氣法時)
장기법시(藏氣法時)의 관점(觀点)으로 본 치법(治法) 연구(硏究)
- Kim, Hyun-Jung (Dept. of Oriental Medical Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
- Kang, Jung-Soo (Dept. of Oriental Medical Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
- Accepted : 2007.11.10
- Published : 2007.12.31
Keeping in step with four seasons, Spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the heaven and earth(天地) has been born(生), grown(長), coverted(化), gained(收), and kept(藏) by interaction of yiyang and yuqi(五氣: 木火土金水). And according to Naiching, human being is born with energy of heaven and earth(天地之氣) and is grown with the law of four seasons(四時之法). So, we now know that the human's body and nature interact each other. The oriental medical science has been studied the effect that the nature's change influences on human body. Now, I get some idea that using herb medicine and acupuncture should have hanged following the change of four seasons. We know that there is a cycle in nature. Every day sun arise and down, and every month moon gets full and new. And every year, four seasons orderly change, from spring to winter. All of this is the law of nature and human body adapts this law. Man always shows the physiological phenomena which changes under the law of nature, especially the turning of the seasons. Therefore, we should use different medical methods in different seasons.