과학계량학을 이용한 연구활동 평가 : OLED 사례 분석

Research Activity Assessment with the Use of Scientometrics: OLED Case Analysis

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


과학기술이 다양해지고 융합기술이 발달함에 따라 동료평가만으로 기술과 성과를 평가하는 것은 더욱 어려워졌다. 해당 전문가를 찾기도 쉽지 않을 뿐만 아니라 연구자들 사이에 이해관계가 한층 복잡해졌기 때문이다. 과학계량학(Scientometrics)은 과학자의 연구활동을 정치성이나 이해관계를 배척하고 객관적으로 계측하여, 성과에 비해 시그널이 약하게 발산되는 우수한 연구자나 연구 분야를 찾아내어 올바른 평가를 가능하게 한다. 본 논문에서는 OLED 기술에 대해 집계분석과 몇 가지 네트워크 분석 기법을 활용하여 과학계량학적 분석을 수행하고, 결과에 대해 한국에서는 어떤 평가가 가능한지에 대해 기술한다.

Scientometrics means the metrics of science, and it plays a role in the measurement of scientists' activities by using research results like papers. Objective numerical values or indicators obtained by scientometric analysis may make a significant contribution to correct evaluation by excluding political or relationship bias or revealing significant researchers or their research fields that have been assessed relatively lower for their performance. In the period when the scale of technology was relatively large, such as for the development of heavy chemistry, it was possible to make a not-bad selection by an assessment made only with the intuition of the assessor. However, it is nearly impossible for experts with a narrow knowledge in a field to judge the direction of change correctly as the current science technology changes rapidly and tremendously. Even in an assessment of research performance of researchers or research institutions, only some notable researchers are able to attract attention owing to the Metthew effect, and the majority who have accumulated research results in depth are not able to receive reasonable research funding. Therefore, it might be natural that there is a growing need for assessment using scientometrics. The purpose of this research is to suggest some applicable scientometric techniques for an assessment of research performance to science and technology researchers and policy planners. In order to accomplish this, we used a frequency analysis of papers and its citations to assess the research performance of researchers, institutions, and countries for OLED technology as a case study. Furthermore, we position detailed technologies for OLED technology as arriving, growing, maturing, and declining technology by utilizing several network analysis techniques, make groups with researchers and institutions of same research interest. And we review the current international joint research of Korea, China, and Japan, who are in a competitive relationship. Also, at the end of each analysis result, we describe what kind of assessment should be available to Korean policy planners and research managers for such scientometric analysis results.
