This paper had mentioned about CCP light source application for increasing the efficiency of Xe lamp the mercury-free lamp. In order to increase the efficiency of Xe EEFL, we designed and manufactured the lamp used by mixture gas of Xe, Ne and He. Also, we have analyzed the electrical and optical properties with the firing voltage, sustain voltage, paschen's curve, wall charge, and capacitance. As a result, the firing voltage decreased by increasing the ration of mixture gas. and, It is owing to include the gas with high ionization energy. The firing voltage decreased in condition happening the penning effect, Because the ion of metastable state created from penning effect, Which can encourage the ionization phenomena. Also, the wavelength of 467.12 is increase. because of the energy transition in the wavelength of 147 nm. therefore, we can know about the affection of phosphor with UV emission properties. Through an experiment, Xe 100 % and Xe 75 % confirmed same spectrum properties by each mixture gas ratio. In the case of Xe 50 %, spectrum properties appeared Xe discharge and Ne-He discharge. That analyzed an electrical and optical properties. Therefore, confirmed that is excellent because properties of firing voltage, wall charge, capacitance in Xe 50 %, Ne : He = 9 : 1. We offered parameter in inverter manufacture and lamp manufacture by electrical and optical properties.