고양이 Horner's syndrome에 대한 침치료(針治療) 증예보고(症例報告)

Acupuncture Treatment in Feline Horner's Syndrome: Case Report

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


약 2개월령(個月齡)의 잡종 암컷 고양이가 영창동물병원(永昌動物病院)에 내원하였다. 1차(次) 진료시(診療時) 우측 눈의 축동(縮瞳) 및 순막 돌출(瞬膜 突出)이 인정되었으며, 또한 좌측 눈의 경도의 축동이 인정되어, 본 환축(患畜)은 고양이 Horner's syndrome으로 진단(診斷)되었다. 본 환축(患畜)에 대하여 안침(眼針) (상초 영역(上焦 領域), 10분간(分間)) 및 dexamethasone 약침(藥鍼)(0.2 ml/혈위: BL 01-정명(睛明) BL02-찬죽(纘竹) 및 ST01-승읍(承泣))을 각각(各各) 실시(實施)하였다. 1차 치료 후, 축동(縮瞳) 및 순막돌출(瞬膜突出)이 놀랍게도 소실되었다. 2차 진료시(1차 치료 후 1일)확인 결과, 눈의 소견은 정상 상태를 유지하고 있었다. 따라서 본(本) 증례(症例)는 침치료(鍼治療)에 양호(良好)한 반응(反應)을 나타낸 고양이 Horner's syndrome의 증례(症例)였다.

A about 2-month- old, mixed female cat was referred to Yeon Chang Veterinaly Clinic in Taiwan. Because this patient was wandering cat, precise history was not blown. At first admission, miosis, ptosis and protrusion of the nictitating membrane was observed in the right sided eye, and also slight miosis was found in the left sided eye. The patient was diagnosed into feline HS. Oculo-AP and injection-AP with dexamethasone were applied to this patient. Oculo-AP at Shang Jiao regions of both eyes was done for 10 minutes. In addition, injection-AP with dexamethasone (0.2 ml/acupoint) at BL01-Jing Ming, BL02-Zan Zhu and ST01-Cheng Qi. After AP treatment, prolapse of the nictitating membrane was amazingly disappeared and pupil was dilatated at session 1. Ocular findings at session 2 (one day after session 1) were maintained with nearly normal state. Accordingly, the present patient was a case with feline HS that showed favorable therapeutic effect by AP treatment.



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