열성 경련에 대한 최신 지견

Recent Advance in Febrile Seizure

  • 한윤정 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방소아과) ;
  • 장규태 (경희대학교 동서신의학병원 한방소아과)
  • Han, Yun-Jeong (Department of Oriental Pediatrics, East West Neo Medical Center, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Chang, Gyu-Tae (Department of Oriental Pediatrics, East West Neo Medical Center, Kyunghee University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Objectives The prognosis, recurrence rate and treatment of febrile seizure were studied through the research of recent western medicine and Chinese oriental medicine paper. Methods Recent western medicine paper of internal and external and chinese oriental medicine paper from 1999 to 2007 were investigated. Results and Conclusions The prognosis of febrile seizure was good in most cases, but children with febrile seizure who developed epilepsy range between 2 and 10%. The risk factors developed epilepsy including complex febrile seizure, focal and prolonged seizure, pre-existing neurodevelopmental abnormalities and recurrent febrile seizure. Recurrence rate of febrile seizure ranges between 30 and 50% was high. The risk factors can be predicted by their age at first febrile seizure happened, family medical history of febrile seizure and epilepsy, complex febrile seizure, and neurodevelopmental abnormalities. However, the most important factor of those is the age when they have first febrile seizure. Diazepam or Lorazepam was administrated for a child with prolonged seizure but only Diazepam was used for reducing recurrence of febrile seizurein febrile illness. However, there were some side effects such as lethargy, ataxia, and irritability. The study of chinese oriental medicine demonstrates that the acupuncture and venesection were used for seizure attack and reduced of recurrences and second attack. To reduce recurrence of febrile seizure, herbal medicine was also used for febrile illness or after seizure attack within a certain period of time, so reduce the recurrence, frequency of seizure and febrile illness. The most of herbs in prescription were used for removing heat and toxic meterials(淸熱解毒), extinguishing wind and to stopping the convulsion(熄風止痙)
