인삼 연작지 수확 경과년수에 따른 토양화학성 및 뿌리썩음병 발생율의 변화

Changes of Soil Chemical Properties and Root Injury Ratio by Progress years of Post-Harvest in Continuous Cropping Soils of Ginseng

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


인삼 연작장해 원인과 경감대책을 수립하고자 2004년에는 2005년까지 작물과학원 증평시험지 연작토양에서 인삼 수확경 과년수와 예정지관리 유무에 따른 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 인삼 연작지 수확경과년수가 짧을수록 생존율이 낮아지며 3${\sim}$4년 경과구 81${\sim}$95%의 뿌리썩음 이병주율을 보였다. 예정지 관리구는 미관리구보다 생존율이 다소 높으며 뿌리 썩음병 피해도 예정지 미관리와 같은 경향으로 예정지 관리효과는 크지 않다. 수확경과년수가 10년이상의 연작지에서도 연작장해를 일으키는 병원균 (C. destructans)이 분리되므로 재작 또는 연작시는 이점을 고려하여 재배지를 재선정하거나 예정지 토양관리대책을 수립해야 할 것으로 판단된다.

To study the cause of the injury by continuous cropping and the countermeasure for reduction on it's injury in ginseng cultivation by the period passed since post-harvest, and previous soil management far planting, the injury by continuous cropping was investigated from 2004 to 2005 at the continuous cropping field of National Institute of crop Science in Jungpyong county, Korea. There was negative correlation between the ratio of survived root and the Period Passed since post-harvest. The ratio infected by Cylindrocapon destructans and Fusarium spp. in root was about 81${\sim}$95% at continuous cropping field that passed by 3${\sim}$4 years since post-harvest. Though the previous soil management for planting was somewhat effective to increase the ratio of survival root, but which was not effective to protect the infection of Cylindrocapon destructans and Fusarium spp. in root. There was no significant difference in reducing rotted root between management and nonmanagement. When previous soil management for planting was programed, it should be considered that Cylindrocapon destructans was detected at continuous cropping field that passed by above 10 years after harvesting.



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