길리안 바레 증후군으로 최종 진단된 위증 환자의 고찰 1례와 이를 통한 위증 질환의 범주 책정 및 치료의 차등성 여부에 대한 논의

Review on Wei Symptom in General with this Rare Clinical Study on 1case of Patient with Wei symptom Finally Dianosed as Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Whether Distinction should be Made in Treatment and Categorizating in Clinical Aspect

  • 이승현 (원광대학교 전주한방병원)
  • Lee, Seung-Hyun (Department of acupuncture & moxibustion, Jeonju Oriental Medicine Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.25


To see whether this rare clinical case of patient with guillain Barre syndrome which is a type of acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy could provide further insight in categorizing Wei symptom(위증) in general. To treat Wei symptom(위증) using traditional herbal medicine Bojoongikgi-tangkami(補中益氣湯加味) and electronic acupuncture applied on the yangmyung channel(陽明經) selected in the Yellow Emperor's of internal medicine and on Panggwang chanel considered as painful lesion. There was significant improvement in motor grade of patient in spite of the period it took to recover and there was sequoia left behind as well. The basic concept of ‘treating yangmyung channel(陽明經) most of all(獨取陽明)’ is emphasized in treatment of Wei symptom(위증) and contains nourishment of middle warmer energy(補中益氣), clear yangmyung(淸化陽明).



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