청소년이 지각한 부모-자녀간 의사소통과 자아존중감, 친구간 갈등해결전략이 교우만족도에 미치는 영향

Effects of Parent-Adolescent Communication, Adolescent's Self-Esteem and Strategies in Peer Conflict Situations on Satisfaction with Peer Relationships among Korean Adolescents

  • 최유진 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족) ;
  • 유계숙 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 아동가족)
  • Choi, Yu-Jin (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee Univ.) ;
  • Yoo, Gye-Sook (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, College of Human Ecology, Kyung Hee Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.29


This study investigates the effects of parent-adolescent communication, adolescent self-esteem, and strategies in peer conflict situations on the satisfaction of adolescents with their peer relationships. The subjects included students attending a girls' and a boys' middle school in Gongju City. Random sampling was used to pick a class from each of the three grades in the schools. 233 students, who's both parents were living, were used in the final analysis in an effort to examine the impacts of student communication with parents on student satisfaction with their friends. The findings were as follows: the subjects most often used the yielding type of conflict-resolving strategy, followed by the cooperating, compromising, dominating, and avoiding strategy-type. The girls showed a higher level of parent-child communication than the boys. Girls had high self-esteem and mostly adopted the cooperating type of conflict-resolving strategies, followed by the yielding, compromising, dominating and avoiding strategy-type. The boys mostly employed the yielding strategy type followed by the cooperating, compromising, dominating, and avoiding strategy-types. The results indicate that the satisfaction level with friends was high among those who used the avoiding strategy-type less and yielding strategy-type more. Girls were found to have high self-esteem and engaged in communication with their parents. The compromising, cooperating, and dominating types of conflict-resolving strategies did not exercise significant influences on their satisfaction with friends.



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