우렁쉥이 껍질 유래 황산다당의 유동 특성

Flow Properties of Sulfated Polysaccharides in the Tunic of the Ascidin Halocynthia roretzi

  • 손병일 (한국해양대학교 해양과학기술연구소) ;
  • 홍병일 (부경대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 안종웅 (한국해양대학교 해양환경생명과학부)
  • Son, Byoung-Yil (Research Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Korea Maritime University) ;
  • Hong, Byeong-Il (Department of Food Science and Technology, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Ahn, Jong-Woong (Division of Marine Environment and Bioscience, Korea Maritime University)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The flow properties of sulfated polysaccharides purified from the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi tunic were investigated. The sulfated polysaccfarides produced aqueous solutions of low apparent viscosity with pseudoplastic flow behavior. The respective activation energies of TCA-treated and TCA-nontreated solutions were $2.2248{\times}10^4\;and\;1.442{\times}10^4J/kg{\cdot}mol$ at a 150L/s shear rate. The viscosity of the sulfated polysaccharides solution was increased by the addition of sugar, while it was not changed by the addition of NaCl.



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