Essential Arcs of a Directed Acyclic Graph

  • Chung, Ee-Suk (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2007.05.31


Among many graphs, directed acyclic graph(DAG) attracts many researchers due to its nice property of existence of topological sort. In some classic graph problems, it is known that, if we use the aforementioned property, then much efficient algorithms can be generated. So, in this paper, new algorithm for the all-pairs shortest path problem in a DAG is proposed. While the algorithm performing the iteration, it identifies the set of essential arcs which requires in a shortest path. So, the proposed algorithm has a running time of $O(m^*n+m)$, where m, n and $m^*$ denote the number of arcs, number of node, and the number of essential arcs in a DAG, respectively.



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