의약품 함량분석 정도관리에서의 변이 요인에 대한 통계분석

Statistical Analysis on the Sources of Variance in Proficiency Test of Quantitative Analysis of Medicines

  • 발행 : 2007.02.21


Proficiency test is an essential tool far ensuring analytical ability of analytical chemists and analytical institutes. Usually, the standard protocol for proficiency test is focused on acceptability of reported analytical results of participants by calculating z-scores and related diagnostic parameters. The ultimate goal of this process is to reveal the sources of variability of analytical results and to find the way to reduce their influence. In this study, the method of analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the analytical data collected from qualify control departments of pharmaceutical companies in KyungIn province in Korea in the year of 2000. As influencing factors of variability of analytical results, the use of internal standards for liquid and gas chromatograpy, the educational and professional background of participants, geological locations and yearly production sizes of participating companies were evaluated. To evaluate the variability in accuracy of analytical results, absolute differences from sample mean and sample median were used and to evaluate variability in precision of individual participants, the reported standard deviation of each participant was used. As a result, the use of internal standards in gas chromatographic analysis, participants' academic background and the yearly production sizes of pharmaceutical companies showed statistically significant influence to the accuracy and the precision of the reported analytical results used in this study.



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