국내.외 상용(商用) 암호모듈 검증정책

Cryptographic Module Validation Programs in Each Country




  1. IT보안인증사무국, 암호모듈 시험 및 검증지침, 행자부 고시 제2004-45호, 2004.12
  2. IT보안인증사무국, 암호검증기준 V1.2, 2006.12
  3. IT보안인증사무국, 암호시험기준 V1.0, 2006.12
  4. IT보안인증사무국, 암호알고리즘 검증기준, 2005.9
  5. 국가보안기술연구소, CRYPTOPIA, 제9권, 제1호, 2005
  6. NIST, "Announcing the development of new hash algorithm(s) for the revision of federal information processing standard(FIPS) 180-2, Secure Hash Standard," Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 14, January, 2007
  7. International Organization for Standardization, http://www.iso.org
  8. Cryptographic Module Validation Program, http://csrc.nist.gov/cmvp
  9. National Institute of Standards and Technology, FIPS 140-2 : Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, 2001.5
  10. National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST Handbook 150 : NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements, 2006.2
  11. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Handbook 150-17 : IT Security Testing-Cryptographic Module Testing, 2000.6
  12. National Security Agency, http://www.nsa.gov
  13. Communications Security Establishment, http://www.cse-cst.gc.ca
  14. Communications and Electronics Security Group, http://www.cesg.gov.uk
  15. Information Technology Promotion Agency, http://www.ipa.go.jp
  16. Information Technology Security Certification Center, http://www.kecs.go.kr