반월.시화공단 주변 주거지역의 악취현황 및 황화합물의 체감도

The Concentrations of Sulfur Compounds and Sensation of Odor in the Residential Area Around Banwol-Sihwa Industrial Complex

  • 김종보 (경기대학교 토목환경공학부 환경공학과) ;
  • 정상진 (경기대학교 토목환경공학부 환경공학과) ;
  • 송일석 (경기도보건환경연구원 악취분석팀)
  • Kim, Jong-Bo (Department of Environment Engineering, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Jeong, Sang-Jin (Department of Environment Engineering, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Song, Il-Seok (Odor Analysis Team, Gyeonggi-do Institute of Health and Environment)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of fourteen odor compounds from a total of 10 sampling sites in residential areas around Banwol-Sihwa industrial complex. The measurement data are analyzed and compared with sensation of odor unit. Only a hydrogen sulfide out of four sulfur compounds was quantified above the detection limit (0.06 ppb) in the residential area around Banwol industrial complex with leather companies and a sewage treatment plant. The concentrations of VOCs were higher than those measured from a big city, and styrene showed the relatively high concentration from all sampling sites ($2.1{\sim}37.8\;ppb$). In the case of carbonyl compounds, acetaldehyde was found most frequently with the mean of 3.97 ppb, and its concentration difference was not significant between Banwol and Sihwa industrial complex. Of the nitrogen compounds, ammonia was measured at the relatively high concentration from all the sampling sites ($12{\sim}707\;ppb$), and a trimethylamine was found at the odor threshold level (0.1 ppb). The concentrations of styrene and ammonia showed relatively seasonal variation, the concentration of styrene in summer was five times higher than that in autumn, the concentration of ammonia in autumn was two times higher than that in summer. However other odorous compounds did not show such strong seasonal variation. Odor-concentration relationship between odor unit and $H_{2}S$ concentrations from industrial sources was examined and used as odor sensation evaluation, and thus the neighbourhood odor complaints maybe caused during the four seasons from the results.



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