PMSG와 hCG 병용 투여에 의한 Shih-tzu 견에서의 인공 발정 유기

Effect of Estrus Induction in Shih-tzu Bitches by Administration of PMSG and HCG

  • Kim, B.S. (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam University) ;
  • Son, C.H. (College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam University)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


무발정기에 속한 Shih-tzu 견 9두를 대상으로 하여 PMSG(50IU/kg)를 10일 동안 매일 근육주사 후 마지막 10일째에 hCG(1,000IU/head)를 정맥 주사하여 인공적으로 발정을 유기 하였다. 실험견 9두 중 9두(100%)에서 발정 출혈, 회음부 반사, 외음부 종대 및 수컷 허용 등의 임상적인 발정 증상이 관찰되었으며 그중 5두(55.6%)가 임신하였고 4두는 임신되지 않았다(44.4%). 임신견 5두 중 3두(33.3%)가 자연분만하였는데 분만시 산자수는 $1.66{\pm}1.15$$(1{\sim}3)$이었고, 나머지 2두(40.2%) 는 PMSG 첫 투여후 38일과 41일에 조기태아사 하였다. 따라서 Shih-tzu 견에서 PMSG와 hCG 병용 투여에 의한 인공 발정 유기 효과는 발정 발현율 100%, 임신률 55.6%, 분만율이 33.3%이었다.

This study was performed to induce the estrus in 9 anestrus Shih-tzu bitches by intramuscular injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) 50IU/kg for 10 consecutive days and by intravenous injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) 1,000IU/Head on Day 10. The day when the first injection of PMSG was counted as Day 0 of experiment. All of the bitches were monitored by vaginal discharges, displays the perineal region, vaginal swelling and male acceptances. The 9 bitches (100%) showed vaginal discharges and vaginal swelling, and were mated. The 5 bitches out of 9 bitches were pregnant (55.6%) and 4 bitches were non-pregnant (44.4%). The 3 bitches out of 5 pregnant bitches were spontaneously delivered (33.3%) and litter size were $1.66{\pm}1.15\;(1{\sim}3\;pups)$ pups. The 2 bitches were diagnosed as early embryonic death on days 38 and 41 after first injection of PMSG. These results indicated that rates of estrus induction, pregnancy and delivery were 100%, 55.6% and 33.3%, respectively, using PMSG and hCG.



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