Married Males' Feeling of Hopelessness due to the Influence of Related Variables

기혼남성의 무망감에 미치는 관련변인의 영향력

  • 고정자 (동아대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


This study investigates the effect of related variables (types of job, term of employment, working time, job satisfaction, payment satisfaction and, working stress) on the sense of hopelessness felt by married males. The study was conducted on 237 male employees residing in Busan, and measurement devices for study were job-related variables, working stress and hopelessness scale. The study used SPSS 12.0 program to analyze data, and conducted item analysis and reliability test for measure establishment. Average, Standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, scheffe-test, Pearson correlation, and path analysis through regression analysis were conducted pertaining to research subject. The result of this study is as follows; First, working stress has significant difference upon types or working, term of employment and job satisfaction. Office workers relatively have longer term of employment and workers who are less satisfied with job suffer from more working stress. Second, hopelessness has significant difference upon term of employment, job satisfaction and payment satisfaction among job-related variables. Thus, hopelessness is relatively less when term of employment is shorter and job satisfaction and payment satisfaction is higher. Third, variables which affect directly to working stress and hopelessness are term of employment $(\beta=.245)$, payment satisfaction $(\beta=-.182)$ and working stress $(\beta=.189)$, and types of job, term of employment and job satisfaction influences hopelessness indirectly through working stress. In conclusion, workers are more negative when term of employment is longer, payment satisfaction is less and working stress is higher. Moreover, longer term of employment and less job satisfaction contribute to higher working stress and eventually influence hopelessness. Term of employment affects the most to hopelessness $(\beta=.274)$, and it is followed by working stress $(\beta=.189)$ and payment satisfaction $(\beta=-.182)$.



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