실내건축 공간 디자인을 위한 '빛' 관련 디자인개념 추출 - 빛에 의한 시지각적 현상(現象)으로서의 공간 조형성을 중심으로 -

Extraction of Design Concepts of Light for the Architectural Interior Space - Focused on the plastic character of space as visual phenomenon by Light -

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The purpose of this study is to extract design concepts, especially in relation to light, as a part of extracting design concepts in architectural interior design. This study consists of two steps. Firstly, appropriate design concepts are extracted from various design characteristics. Secondly, these concepts are classified in the frame of other components of architectural space, as well as in the frame of the plastic characteristics of light. Various design characteristics were analyzed, those of which relating to the plastic character of space, namely, visual phenomenon. As a result of the analysis, 32 concepts were extracted. These concepts, in the frame of other components of architectural space (space, form, structure, opening of space, material, color, inside & outside relationship), were classified, as well as In the frame of the plastic character of Light (transparency, perception, direction, ornament). As the results of this research, the suggested design concepts will be a study material, available to the interior designers as well as students who want to utilize the organized study concepts.



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