석량풋콩재배지에서의 동부모자이크바이러스병의 발생도 및 풋콩병해모니터링과 동부모자이크 바이러스의 순화

Severity of Cowpea mosaic virus and Putkong Disease Monitoring and Purification of Cowpea mosaic virus

  • 조의규 (안동대학교 자연과학대학 생명자원과학부)
  • Cho, Eui-Kyoo (Major in Agricultural Biology, School of Bioresource Science, Andong National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.01


석량풋콩 품종의 콩밭에서 모자이크 증상이 약하게 나타난 186개의 잎을 채집하여, Cowpea mosaic virus(CPMV)에 대한 ELISA 검정을 하였다. 그 결과 93개의 시료가 양성반응을 보였으며, 이 가운데 55개의 시료는 매우 높은 바이러스 밀도를 나타내고 있었다. 이러한 결과는 석량풋콩 품종의 동부모자이크병은 ELISA 검정, 바이러스 순화, 전자현미경검경 결과와 바이러스 표피 단백질분석 결과 Cowpea mosaic virus에 의한 병해로 확인되었다.

One hundred and eighty-six leaves of soybean cv. Seokryangputkong that showed mild mosaic symptoms were collected randomly and ELISA tests were conducted with those leaf samples to screen the presence of Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV). Ninety-three out of 186 samples reacted positively to CPMV, but those samples did negatively to Soybean mosaic virus (SMV). At least, 55 leaf samples revealed higher values than that of positive control. The results strongly confirmed that CPMV occurred severely in soybean cv. Seokryangputkong. However, a question is raised on the primary reservoir and vector for transmission of this virus. Since the farmer changes seeds every year, seed transmission is excluded. The virus was also purified, the analysis of coat protein conformed the virus of cowpea mosaic virus and UV absorption pattern confirmed that the causal virus of mosaic disease in soybean putkong was cowpea mosaic virus.



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