축산물 작업장에서 젖소 미경산 및 경산우 구별을 위한 비교 항목 평가

Evaluation of the criteria to distinguish heifer from cow of Holstein cattle in abattoir

  • 김경호 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 이정구 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 라도경 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 김철완 (가축위생방역지원본부) ;
  • 변재원 (국립수의과학검역원) ;
  • 이성모 (인천광역시보건환경연구원)
  • Kim, Kyoung-Ho (Incheon Metropolitan City Institute of Health & Environment) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Goo (Incheon Metropolitan City Institute of Health & Environment) ;
  • Ra, Do-Kyung (Incheon Metropolitan City Institute of Health & Environment) ;
  • Kim, Cheol-Wan (Livestock Health Control Association) ;
  • Byun, Jae-Won (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) ;
  • Lee, Sung-Mo (Incheon Metropolitan City Institute of Health & Environment)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.30


In Korea, it is the one of controversial problems to distinguish heifer from cow in slaughtered Holstein cattle. This study was conducted to evaluate the several criterions which could be used to discriminate heifer from cow. Some criterions have shown significant differences between heifer and cow in ante and post-mortem inspections(p<0.01). Firstly, the numbers of milk teeth of heifer and cow were $6.12{\pm}1.92$ ($Mean{\pm}Standard$ deviation) and $0.03{\pm}0.39$ respectively. The teat diameter(D) and length(L) of cow were $26.43{\pm}4.31mm$ and $47.76{\pm}6.89mm$ respectively. However, those of heifer were significantly smaller (D: $18.04{\pm}5.04mm$, L: $28.61{\pm}8.91mm$) than those of cow. The size of udder was $203.68{\pm}16.84mm$ in Holstein cow and $112.70{\pm}20.59mm$ in heifer. Secondly, the uterus size of cow was significantly bigger than that of heifer and caruncle in mucosa of uterus could be easy to be confirmed by necropsy inspection. It was also obvious that the folding and length of uterus body were significantly remarkable in cow. Lastly, the pelvic cavity was $196.33{\pm}10.01mm$ in heifer and $220.90{\pm}11.41mm$ in cow. The ossifying maturation of heifer was $2.64{\pm}0.82$ and $6.71{\pm}1.81$ in cow. As the results, this study can be helpful for meat inspectors to discriminate the non-delivery heifer from delivery cow in Holstein cattle.



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