Evaluation and Selection of Potential Parents Based on Selection Indices and Isozyme Variability in Silkworm, Bombyx mori, L.

  • Moorthy S.M. (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Das S.K. (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Rao, P.R.T. (Basic Tasar Silkworm Seed Organisation) ;
  • Urs S. Rao, (Seri Biotech Research Laboratory) ;
  • Sarkar A. (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


In order to find out the appropriate parents for the breeding programme, twelve bivoltine and three multivoltine silkworm breeds were evaluated on the basis of multivariate selection index and isozyme analysis. Of which, four [CSR2, D6 (P), SK3, SK4] bivoltine and two multivoltine (Nistari, Cambodge) breeds were selected and breeding initiated to develop higher survival bivoltine silkworm breed suitable for tropical conditions. Among two isozyme (Esterase and acid phosphatase) analyzed, only esterase exhibited polymorphism among the bivoltine breeds. No polymorphism was observed among multivoltine in respect of esterase as well as acid phosphatase.



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