- ITU-T Recommendation Y.2001 (2004), "General overview of NGN"
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcastsf, "NGN Multicast Services framework" , SG13-TD-WP3-313, April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
- ITU-T Recommendation Y.2011, "General principles and general reference model for NGN", 2005
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcast, "NGN Multicast Service Capabilities with MPLS-based QoS Support" , NGN GSl-DOC-173, January 2007, Beijing, China
- ITU-T Recommendation Y.2012, "Functional Requirements and Architecture of the NGN", 2006
- ITU-T Recommendation Y.2111, "Resource and Aclmission Control in Next Generation Network" , 2006
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.2111 - Release 2 Version 0.2 , "Resource and Admission Control in Next Generation Network Release 2" , NGN GSl-DOC-150, January 2007, Beijing, China
- ITU-T Draft Recommendation Y.ngn-mcastfa, "Functional Architecture of NGN Multicast" , NGN GSlDOC-134,January 2007, Beijing, China