Study on Fashion Sensibility and Emotion through Tattoo Fashion

타투 패션에 따른 패션감성과 감정연구

  • Kim, Mi-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Pusan National University) ;
  • Lee, Kyoung-Hee (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Pusan National University)
  • Published : 2007.03.31


The objective of this study is to provide the basis to planning the design of commercial products and effective image coordination for various situation in investigating the existence of Tattoo with an examination of fashion sensibilities and emotions as well as in analyzing Tattoo fashions which have an effect on the unique image coordinations in the fashion collection. Stimulus pictures have collected from fashion photographs appeared Tattoo expression released on the fashion collection and selected 35 pieces of pictures out of total through the analysing process in many times. Valuation tools have used with 19 pairs of adjective as fashion sensibilities valuation tool and 13 questionnaire as emotion valuation tool. Data has been collected from August 30th to September 17th on the subject of 20's men and women who live in Busan city area and those data has been analyzed by using SPSS statistics package program. The summary and conclusion of verified outcomes on this study are as follows: 1. Main factors of fashion sensibilities about Tattoo fashion are composed of three factors, such as Attractiveness, Visibility, Maturity and those factors have explained by 60.9%. On the other han, the fashion emotions are composed of negative emotion and positive emotion and explained by 66.3%. 2. The image of Tattoo fashion has shown four groups; Sexy, Romantic, Grotesque, Natural. 3. The positioning according to the image of Tattoo fashion has interpreted that X-axis as Grotesque-Romantic, Y-axis as Simple-Dazzling according to design features.



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