유비쿼터스 환경 특성에 의한 디지털 의류 디자인에 관한 연구

A Study on Digital Clothing Design by Characteristics of Ubiquitous Environment

  • 김지언 (한성대학교 예술대학 의류패션산업)
  • Kim, Ji-Eon (Division of Fashion Design & Business, Hansung University)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.30


It is important that ubiquitous technology changes paradigm of thought, not simple definition in the 21st digital era. Characteristics of ubiquitous computing are pervasive, disappearing, invisible, calm through environment. As IT Technology develops, designers, computer scientists, chemists, performance artists cooperate in order to find out the best way to make desirable digital clothing in the future, with the merit of each part. Digital clothing defines clothes of new generation equipped computer, digital installations. Digital clothing design demands intercept of electromagnetic waves, light-weight and esthetic appearance, for it is attached high-technology equipment near body. The purpose of this study is to analyze design features of digital clothing according to ubiquitous characteristics. The methods of this study are documentary research of previous study and case study. In the theoretical study, ubiquitous characteristics are function-intensive by convergence, interactivity, embedded mobility and human & emotion-oriented attributes. Based on ubiquitous characteristics, digital clothing design classified function-intensive design by convergence, design for Interactivity and multi-sensible & emotion-oriented design, because embedded mobility is a basic element of ubiquitous environment. The early days digital clothing design is function-intensive design, and have esthetic appearances and design for interactivity increasingly. Recently digital clothing design is expressed multi-sensible and emotion-oriented design.



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