Toxicological Relevance of Transporters

  • Published : 2007.03.31


Transporters are membrane proteins that mediate the transfer of substrate across the cellular membrane. In this overview, the characteristics and the toxicological relevance were discussed for various types of transporters. For drug transporters, the overview focused on ATP-binding cassette transporters and solute carrier family 21A/22A member transporters. Except for OCTN transporters and OATP transporters, drug transporters tend to have broad substrate specificity, suggesting drug-drug interaction at the level of transport processes (e.g., interaction between methotrexate and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents) is likely. For metal transporters, transporters for zinc, copper and multiple metals were discussed in this overview. These metal transporters have comparatively narrow substrate specificity, except for multiple metal transporters, suggesting that inter-substrate interaction at the level of transport is less likely. In contrast, the expressions of the transporters are often regulated by their substrates, suggesting cellular adaptation mechanism exists for these transporters. The drug-drug interactions in drug transporters and the cellular adaptation mechanisms for metal transporters are likely to lead to alterations in pharmacokinetics and cellular metal homeostasis, which may be linked to the development of toxicity. Therefore, the transporter-mediated alterations may have toxicological relevance.



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