남성 패션라이프스타일에 따른 세분집단별 화장품 구매행동 비교

Cosmetics Purchasing Behavior of Males Based on the Fashion Life Style

  • 홍성순 (김포대학 패션디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.02


The purpose of this study was to classify male consumer groups according to the fashion lifestyle, to examine characteristics, needs and wants of each group, and to find out differences of cosmetics purchasing behavior among each group segment. After surveying 19-50 year old males by making a visit to college, company and home, 584 samples were analyzed by using SPSS(7.0) package program. Factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, crosstabs and $X^2-test$ were used to analyse collected data. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Twenty-two questionnaires using AIO fashion lifestyle variables produced seven factors; oriented fashion, flaunting brand preference, active preference, information intention, strong personality, reasonable economy and others directivity. Three groups based on oriented seven factors: personality, fashion and economy. 2. The Personality group had strong personal characters in their fashion. Men in this group prefer casual style and were represented by singles and professionals in their 30's. The fashion group pursued fashion trends, formal wears, and high-priced fashions. They were represented by singles with high-income managerial positions in their 19-29 age group. The economy group represented the largest sample in this study(54.5%). Men in this group tended to purchase fashion goods during of good fabrics at discount stores. This group represented married man with average incomes in their 40's. 3. Each of these three groups showed significant differences in cosmetics purchasing behavior. The personality group mainly purchased cosmetics on-line market because of price. The Internet tended to be their primary source of informations. They spent under 10,000won and pursued a simple and clear image. The fashion group purchased cosmetics at department stores to benefit from the knowledge of sales personal and their source of informations in the mass media. They spent over 70,000won monthly and pursued also a simple and clear image. The economy group purchased cosmetics at discount stores because of their wide assortment of products. They spent under 30,000won monthly and pursued a simple and clear image. Each of these groups currently consume different products and have a different concept of future cosmetic products.



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